The coil conductor itself is coated with insulating materials of outstanding waterproof properties. Polypropylene insulation is generally used for water tight insulated magnet wire for submersible motors. A nylon sheath is used for mechanical protection over the polypropylene insulation layer. Hitachi uses specially developed Denatured polypropylene which offers very stable waterproof characteristics. The unique insulation structure shown below is as a result of extensive development and has proven to be of a far superior quality. Thus resulting in long insulation life under severe operating conditions.
The well established KINGSBURY design thrust bearing creates a wedge of water between the pivot shoe and carbon disc. Our innovative design permits hign thrust loads to be placed on the bearings while showing no measurable wear after several years of severe duty operation. This allows for long pumping life, virtual troble free operation and low maintenance. For all 6" motors, the 136kg. maximum continuous up-thrust is absorbed between the upper carbon sleeve bearing and the rotor balance ring. For all 8"~14" motors, the 450kg. maximum continuous up-thrust is carried between the upper slide plate and the separate up-thrust carbon bearing.