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Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.

Q. What is the mechanism of nitrogen generation?

Answer : Air is composed of Nitrogen (approx. 78%), Oxygen (approx. 21%) and others (approx. 1%). N2 Pack is designed to extract nitrogen from air efficiently.


Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a technology used to separate nitrogen from air under pressure according to the difference in nitrogen's molecular diameter and affinity for an adsorbent material (a sort of activated carbon).
By utilizing PSA, nitrogen can be stably extracted from air at a high quality.

Q. Any better way to keep product quality or explosion protection from oxidation?

Answer : N2 Pack provides nitrogen at purity of 99-99.99% easily.

Inactive gas has been widely used as an effective way to cope with oxidation or anti-explosion problems. Nitrogen, an inactive gas under normal temperature, is used mainly as deoxidation in various industries such as food packaging.
N2 Pack is capable to provide stable nitrogen without any special equipment.

Q. Feel troublesome to adjust the residual quantity of gas cylinder or changing the gas cylinder?

Answer : Possible to have nitrogen provision by ONLY pressing the switch.

Control covers both air compressor and PSA. By pressing the switch, auto operation starts, and nitrogen is supplied.

Q. Want to reduce the cost of nitrogen or deoxidation?

Answer : It is possible to reduce cost*. N2 Pack provides nitrogen by using air at a low level of cost.

Since N2 Pack uses ambient air as raw material to provide nitrogen, reduction of cost is possible. Further, if both nitrogen and other deoxidation are used during production, the volume of deoxidation can be reduced accordingly.

Cost merit may differ due to the actual condition of current use of nitrogen and deoxidation.

Q. Any influence from oil?

Answer : By using Oil-free compressor, environment of Oil-free is preserved.

Oil-free scroll air compressor with high reliability is adopted for all models. It is not necessary to worry about oil-change or oil disposal. Oil mist filter is not necessary either.

Oil included in the surrounding air will be included in the discharge air from air compressor.

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